Quality Gothic
& Horror Filmmaking: International Style
Welcome to the Official Website of Gothic Pictures International!
Horror and Gothic films remain the most profitable and popular genres in the business. No one disputes this fact.
These genres contain many creative, interesting and even artistic films. However, during the past two decades, international and not American filmmakers have produced most of these films. Recent international, especially Asian, directors have virtually revolutionized the classic horror styles.
Such films have become widely admired and copied in the U.S., as well as other nations. The film industries in one country after another are quickly creating a wealth of horror/Gothic film techniques, stories, skills and traditions.
Joining this trend, Gothic Pictures International (GPI) seeks to expand the number and quality of such films emerging from these creative wellsprings. We also want to increase the making and market for these films in Asia, Australia, Europe, the U.S. and beyond. Never before have Gothic and horror stories on film been so popular all over the world. Globalization has indeed reached this exciting, dark world of creativity and produced new genius and talent worldwide.
We want to produce quality independent Gothic and horror films, as well as encouraging others to do the same. Our talented and professional production team is working on new projects and also developing markets and marketing strategies for these types of films in the U.S. and elsewhere.
Announces Full North America Release for Our Latest
Darkest Night
Gothic Pictures International is happy to announce that our latest film, Darkest Night has been released in the U.S. and Canada by Maxim Media International. The film is now available on most VOD platforms, as well as on DVD.
Maxim Media is a U.S. film releasing company that specializes in quality horror films. Through Maxim, Darkest Night had a limited theatrical release in the western U.S. in July 2013, lasting several weeks, according to Russ Williams, GPI's executive producer.
On the Right: Check out Maxim's DVD cover for Darkest Night.
A horror film with intense scares, Darkest Night combines family and Gothic drama with lots of suspense and shock. For more information, see our Darkest Night page.
The official announcement of release was made by Russ Williams, the executive producer, at the 19th annual Filipino Arts and Cinema International (FACINE) Film Festival in San Francisco on October 20, 2012. The film had its U.S. premiere there to much critical acclaim.
"So proud to have premiered your film in the U.S. Awesome experience!" said Dr. Mauro Tumbocon Jr., the festival director. Additionally, other festival attendees praised Darkest Night as "extremely entertaining" and "a hell of a good film."
Additionally, Williams said the film was released in Germany, Austria and Switzerland at the end of 2013. Negotiations are currently under way for release in other nations. Additional announcements will be made later, as more countries are added to Darkest Night's release list.
Williams added that congratulations should go to all members of the cast and crew, who have made Darkest Night an unqualified success, including the film's star, the Michigan-based actor DJ Perry.
We will have more news about this exciting film on this site, as it happens, so please check back with us. Also, whenever you want, please visit Darkest Night's Facebook page and Official Website as well.
Don't Forget Our New Email Address, Also More Office Operations in the USA!
wish to announce that we have now moved most of our office operations to southern California. Our
Los Angles office now has limited operation. Our Cathedral City
office will soon be open. We will keep you posted on such changes as they happen.
Meanwhile, even as we're busy growing, we have not altered our commitment to producing quality and entertaining films! So stay tuned to this site for further information.
Our email address is:
We will be opening our offices in southern California for longer hours later this year. See the Contact page for details.
Feel Free To Visit a While & Check Us Out!
So take this opportunity to take a close look at our website and see what we're doing:
- Quality Films Across Borders: Tells the story of Gothic Pictures International and explains our mission and goals.
- Latest News & Announcements: Reports exciting news about our feature films and GPI.
- Apprentice Program: How you can work with us on a feature film for experience and/or college credit.
- Horror Film, Darkest Night: Provides interesting information about our latest, soon-to-be-released picture.
- More Horror: The Beast: Describes our next horror film for 2014, now in pre-production, a different kind of werewolf tale.
- What's Coming, 2015 & Beyond: Lists our cutting-edge slate of new films planned, beginning in 2015, including Good Night Sweet Prince.
- GPI's Key Filmmakers: Bios, photos and other information about our excellent filmmakers.
- Articles: Interesting explanations of the different Gothic and horror story styles.
- Contact Us: How to email or otherwise get in touch with us.
Of course, there are still lots of schlocky and just plain bad Gothic and horror films out there, including from global markets. However, Gothic Pictures International aims to make a difference by showing that well-made horror films are more than just "gore fests" and "creature features." Come with us on our journey of excellence in creativity as we explore the cutting edge of human fear and excitement in cinematic art. Experience, if you dare, from the U.S., to Asia to Europe and beyond, quality Gothic and horror film production at its horrific best!